Posts filed under: Snacks

Skillet Cookie

If you love a good chocolate chip cookie, you will be in heaven with a bite of this one. It is baked to moist and decadent perfection in a skillet...

Garlic Sautéed Mushrooms

Simple, buttery, seasoned and a perfect accompaniment to any meat dish or array of other vegetables. I love mushrooms even just by themselves! Ingredients (Mushrooms) 2 tbsp olive oil 16 oz...

Sunny Turmeric Tea Cookies

If you’re feeling like you need to stay healthy, but longing for something to accompany your cup of Chai, I may have the perfect solution for you. Colored golden with...

Homemade Doughnuts

Sometimes you just need the fix of a sugary, fluffy doughnut. So why not make the calories truly worthwhile by creating your own sinful confection? My favorite one has a...

Pretzel Bites

Studying for finals or working on a tough project deadline can be mentally consuming. I like having some good go-to snacks for such occasions and pretzel bites are of my...

Frozen Mango Bliss

Along with its warm rays of sunshine, summer brings lush green lawns, refreshing pool time and, if you are south Asian, it brings plenty of mangoes! To quote my little...

Summer Fresh Guacamole

There’s many ways to cool off  on a sultry summer evening – my favorite one is to dive into a bowl of freshly prepared guacamole. There’s nothing better than scooping into the velvety...

Chicken 65

This dish is quintessential Madras. There are some theories floating on its origin but most think it came from a restaurant called Buhari in Chennai (formerly Madras). The number 65 is...

Tomato Chutney

This a tried and true family recipe with full credit to my grandmother, Sophia Iqbal. The flavors of garlic and cumin nicely blend in with the juicy tomatoes and get...

Tomato and Basil Tart

Have you ever wondered if there was an elegant alternative to the traditional pizza? Well, there is! In place of the common bread dough, the flaky puff pastry is topped...